Sunday, October 6, 2019

"Unlearning the myths that binds us" by Lisa Christensen

Christensen makes writing easy, she gives us a solid thesis question to be answered in the post I am making and even a few examples of how people have choose to answer it in the past. In "Unlearning the myths that binds us" by Lisa Christensen , she asks "Do you agree with Dorfman's position that children receive"a secret education" in the media."

As a 2000s baby I have always had technology and therefore always had an adult or person older than myself telling me that it has ruined me. Technology has corrupted previous generations past the point of no return and can still ruin my generation if used improperly however this is the first time technology is entirely in the individuals hands both literally and metaphorically.

We have constant access to technology like the phone in my hands that I am using to type this but because we are no longer relying on the family t.v or dad's computer for access to the outside world my generation all had at least an ipod as early as some of us can remember. But because the technology has always been personal to use and often a private space we have the ability to pick and choose which aspects of society we like and don't like , and the ability to know why others do or don't like something.

For instance there is currently a live action Mulan in the works. And lots of controversy has arrived along with the news about the movie. Half the people half the people who care about the topic are boycotting the movie. They are upset that their one of their favorite movies from their childhood is being altered and changed. There will be no talking dragons, Mulan will not fall in love with a general and get married in front of all of China and supposedly she will not even pretend to be a man. And to those people this is entirely unacceptable, they're changing one of the few women of color in the Disney Cinematic Universe and to those people that is entirely unacceptable. On the other hand are people that entirely support these changes, it may be completely different from their childhood however these changes are supposedly being made to more accurately represent the original Chinese Legend, and to accurately portray Chinese culture. So it all depends on your point of view you can choose to boycott a movie in 2019 and not let any events influences impact you, which depending on the movie is very good. But you can also spend years messaging in writing petitions for Disney to properly display Asian culture and choose to support the new version even if it gets something's wrong.

So even that we have to know live with technology being stuck in our face 24/7 we now have the opportunity to speak out and have our voices heard to make sure the media we are being presented with is being presented in a way that is not harmful to us. We have been educated, but it is no longer a secret and we are finally old enough to be some of the educators.

Here is the new poster.
Image result for mulan 2020
vs the original
Image result for mulan original poster

and here is the links to both the original and new trailers.

Which do you prefer.

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