Saturday, September 14, 2019

U.S.A., Land of Limitations? by Nicholas Kristof

                    In this article called " U.S.A, Land of Limitations" by Nicholas Kristof the author argues that“talent is universal, but opportunity is not.” In other words people of all races, religions, ethnicities, and cultures born with Incredible intelligence and or skills they can make them a millionaire, however, it is important to remember that minorities don't always get the opportunity to use their talents because they are already too busy struggling to get by. Minorities often have a hard time getting a job let alone flourishing one the same capacity of white person is automatically able to. With struggles like discrimination, lack of accessibility, and an all-around terrible job market most minorities don't get an opportunity to make a job above minimum wage let alone a job where they can freely explore their talents and even profit from them.
Many different types of people are stereotypically known for openings small family-run businesses focusing on skills they are passionate about and making a lifelong career out of them. With various pizza places, delis, Chinese or restaurants doting the corners of almost every street in America. As much as people may mock or under appreciate careers like Bakers or family restaurants they are steady careers they can employ a whole family for many generations to come. While people tend to see small ethnic corner stores or “Exotic” restaurants as cheap, unsafe, dirty and or just plain Shady. So while all people have the opportunity to open and run a family business cast and possibly have a natural Talent for cooking or baking the local Italian restaurant with homemade pizza or pasta is always going to be seen as classier and comparison to the local Mexican joint. Though both families work hard day in and day out America has a preemptive racial bias leading to assumptions about a person place or thing just because of ties with certain races or cultures.

    Below is the first picture that shows up when I search up 

"Family Italian Restaurant"

A lovely family sitting and eating together in a home style dinning room.

Here is the first thing that appears when I search up 
"Family Chinese Restaurant"

   It is a mug shot from an article about a girl who was beat to death inside her family's Chinese restaurant.


  1. Why do you think Native Americans are often overlooked when discussing minorities and or discussing people being marginalized in the United States?

  2. I found your photos at the end of your blog extremely interesting. The photos along with the link, truly begin to make you think why it so different when you look up 'Italian Family Restaurant" versus "Chinese Family Restaurant". I find it interesting that the search of Italian restaurant shows a happy white family, whereas the Chinese restaurant shows mugshots of a mother and father whose daughter was murdered by the mother. It really makes you think about the different views of race in today's society. I like how you also connected small businesses opened by different races to show the presence of or lack of opportunity families have. I agree that everyone does have talents that can make them successful in life, but if they are not provided the chance to showcase them, they may never raise their economic status.

  3. You make a strong point about having a lack of opportunities. There is no doubt that people of different ethnicities have barriers they must overcome that white people may not have to traverse. As far ass small business, America is pretty reliant on the operation of said businesses. Most especially in the construction industry, there are contractors every where that are around for a long time and then pass the business down to their kids if they wish. The one thing that I am missing the point on is why Italian restaurant are seen as more classy than a family owned business. Why is the Italian restaurant considered classy? Is it he prices? the layout of the building? the decorations? All of these things are to be considered and then compared to.

  4. I really liked your take on Kristof's argument because you spoke of it in a perspective that I didn't think of. Mainly focusing on his concentration of the minorities, I feel like you did an excellent job helping to put a better understanding to his argument. Providing examples that relate to the real world. I was also fascinated by the difference between google searching Italian family restaurant versus a Chinese family restaurant. I feel like the minority race in that situation (Chinese) was instantly labeled as dangerous; where as the italian family was comforting and felt safe to go to. These stereotypes and stigmas are part of the reason that minorities have a lack of opportunity. Nice job!
