Monday, September 9, 2019

All About me

My name Sophia Rose Ramirez and I am currently a Sophomore here at Rhode Island college getting my degree in secondary education and history. I am studying to become a High school history teaching since that has always been my dream job.

I recently made terrifying the decision to cut my hair and I could not imagine ever having long hair again. On days where I do not have work, I can be seen with some overdramatic eye shadow, my silver cross and several layers too many because I am seemingly always cold. (as seen in the picture of below wearing a long sleeve back shirt in the middle of august on an 89-degree day)

So, some little facts about me; I am an Aries, currently 19, my favorite color is purple and if you want me to get more specific than that I'd had to say I prefer a lavender over a deep dark purple any day of the week. I was born in raised in East Providence Rhode Island and went to East Providence Senior high school like everyone else in the neighborhood. I currently work at the east providence boys and girls club in Kiddiecare.

I have a chubby, caramel-colored guinea pig with patches of dark brown that is named Persephone. I got her when I had just started learning the Greek language at the time so it seemed very fitting. Her sister Aphrodite who had beautiful long black and white fur passed away last year just before the midnight service for Orthodox Easter. I also have a rather "simple minded" orange tomcat named Ducky. He tends to be seen accidentally walking to walls, slipping off tables and making an odd little noise that sounds like a duck quaking, hence the name.

I had taken Greek for five years and spoken it on the daily near constantly however somewhere along the line I learned Latin, and apparently, took one too many college classes but I have seemingly forgotten many bits and pieces. I can still more or less hold a decent conversation, read phrases and even some short paragraphs and write the necessities like my name, how old I am, and various household items and foods.

I the absence of studying the Greek language I have recently begun gardening all sorts of different plants, though mainly cacti and succulents. I was originally unaware that they came in all shapes, long, lanky, chubby or flat and in all colors from rich forest greens to chartreuse, jade, emerald, moss, olive, and even shades sea foam. Some are sharp, spiky and spiny; some are smooth and some are even some soft coated in a very thin layer of fuzz coating them. Regardless of there various physical attributes all of them have made their way into my hearts as a source of serenity on long stressful days.  Each of my fifty-nine plants has there own terracotta pot with names ranging from Scott and Tyler to more ill-fitting names for a cactus such as Jessabelle and Sebastian.

1 comment:

  1. Sophia,
    You are so funny - and quite an excellent story teller! Loved reading your introduction! -ck-
